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Oblivion Brewing

The story of Oblivion Brewing begins in Walnut Creek, CA. Darin Butschy started homebrewing in high school, and like most brewers, was immediately hooked. In 1987, at the age of 17, he was washing kegs at Devil Mountain Brewing Company. There, he apprenticed under Brewmaster Jim DeBoer (now at Samuel Adams), learning the craft of production brewing. In 1989 Darin became the head brewer at SLO Brew in San Louis Obispo, CA, under the tutelage of Dr. Michael Hoffman. Wanting to know more, Darin started attending California Polytechnic State University to study chemistry while working at the brewery. Eventually, SLO Brew evolved into Firestone Walker, and Darin worked at Firestone for another year and a half. He completed his degree in chemistry in 1994, packed his bags, and moved to Bend, OR.

In 1991, Darin traveled to Oregon for a snowboarding trip and ended up riding at Mt. Bachelor for almost a week. While here, he tasted Jubelale from Deschutes Brewery for the first time and was blown away. He couldn’t get over the fact that both the powder and the beer “were sick, and nobody was up there.” A seed was planted; if he was going to move somewhere, it was going to be Bend.


Apr 28 2022


4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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3rd Street Beverage
740 NE 3rd St Suite 5 Bend, OR 97701
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